What to Look for in a Hard Drive Destruction Provider

A person looking through binoculars toward the camera.Destroying expired digital data is just as important as shredding expired paper records. Even if you erase or reformat an expired hard drive, traces of sensitive data are left behind. With the right tools, criminals can access the data and steal personally identifiable information (PII) and protected health information (PHI). When your hard drives reach the end of their useful life, they should be securely destroyed.

In this blog, we explain what to look for in a hard drive shredding provider.


Not every shredding and destruction company has specialized expertise in hard drive destruction. You want a partner with a proven track record of serving your community. They should use state-of-the art destruction technology and employ background-screened, insured, and rigorously-trained destruction technicians. Ask for client references and testimonials.


Technology is evolving at a rapid pace. As a result, companies often find themselves with a collection of old, no-longer-needed electronic media beyond just hard drives. To ensure your company has a comprehensive data destruction solution, make sure your hard drive destruction provider can also destroy the following items:

  • Microfilm and Microfiche
  • Magnetic Backup Tapes
  • CDs, DVDs and Blu-rays
  • Floppy Disks and Flash Drives

NAID AAA Certification

Your hard drive destruction partner should be AAA Certified by the National Association of Information Destruction (NAID). Only companies that are audited by an independent Certified Protection Professional® (CPP) who is accredited by the American Society for Industrial Security International (ASIS) can achieve this certification. During an audit, the following areas are assessed:

  • Operational and facility security
  • Information destruction processes
  • Employee hiring practices
  • Insurance liability coverage

After NAID issues an AAA Certification, the hard drive shredding provider receives ongoing audits that verify compliance with NAID standards.

Destruction Verification

A handful of federal privacy laws, including HIPAA, FACTA, SOX, and GLB, require businesses to document their information destruction practices. Make sure your hard drive shredding provider issues a Certificate of Destruction after destroying your hard drives. A Certificate of Destruction includes the date, location, and summary of materials collected and destroyed for documented proof of your organization’s compliance.

Partnering with a hard drive destruction provider limits your data breach exposure.

CI Information Management provides NAID AAA Certified shredding and destruction services throughout most of Southeastern and Central Washington state, as well as Northeastern Oregon.

For more information about our hard drive destruction services, please call us at 509-586-6090 or complete the form on this page.

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