CI Information Management Employee Receives Certified Secure Destruction Specialist Accreditation

One of our employees at CI Information Management recently received the Certified Secure Destruction Specialist Accreditation from the National Association for Information Destruction. This program, which NAID launched in 2010, represents the highest level of certification that an individual can receive from the association. So far, only about 150 people nationwide have achieved the Certified Secure Destruction Specialist Accreditation—making this accomplishment a particularly notable one for CI Information Management.

To achieve accreditation through NAID as a Certified Secure Destruction Specialist, professionals in the information destruction industry must take a 300-question multiple choice examination. According to the NAID, applicants for Certified Secure Destruction Specialist Accreditation must pass the test with a minimum score of 225/300 (or 85%) to achieve the distinction.

To prepare for the 300-question CSDS examination, information destruction specialists go through online training modules that covers industry regulations, best practices for destroying documents and other hard drives, processes for ensuring that document storage facilities are secure, and other key parameters.

The rare professional who has completed the Certified Secure Destruction Specialist Accreditation Program is at the forefront of the industry. Earning this particular certification requires considerable industry experience, comprehensive knowledge of industry practices and trends, unparalleled respect for NAID regulations, considerable training and preparation, and immense knowledge retention. The CSDS Accreditation is the ultimate mark of an information destruction specialist you can trust with your company’s most sensitive documents and materials.

If you are interested in learning more about the Certified Secure Destruction Specialist Accreditation Program, click here to read more about the program and the distinction on the NAID website. We offer some well-deserved congratulations to the CI Information Management employee who achieved the CSDS Accreditation. We are proud to have someone on our team who is so dedicated to redefining the meaning of excellence in our field.

Are you ready to partner with a company who takes your data destruction needs seriously? If so, contact CI Information Management today and speak with one of our qualified professionals. Whether you in the Tri-Cities, Moses Lake, Yakima, Wenatchee, Walla Walla, or Hermiston, OR, CI Information Management takes your business as seriously as you do.


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