4 Facts about In-House Shredding

Shredded paper in a bin with blurred open space modern office in background.

Protecting your customers and employees from identity theft is a must. But if you are shredding documents with a store-bought paper shredding machine, you may unknowingly expose them, and your company, to unforeseen risks. In this blog, we look at the facts associated with in-house shredding.

1. In-House Shredding is Time Consuming

Removing paperclips, staples, and rubber bands from your files and feeding them into a paper shredding machine takes time and energy. As a result, your employees may avoid destroying confidential documents. A shredding service eliminates time-consuming in-house shredding tasks. Your shredding provider places shredding collection containers in convenient locations throughout your facility so your employees can securely dispose of outdated business documents in a few seconds without having to remove staples and paperclips.

2. In-House Shredding is Inconvenient

Destroying a large volume of paper records with a paper shredder is difficult. A shredding service offers a convenient document destruction solution. Your shredding partner creates a customized shredding schedule for your business. With a set shredding schedule, you never again have to worry about document shredding. Weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, your shredding provider destroys your unwanted paper records.

3. In-House Shredding is Costly

Having your employees destroy documents in house creates added overhead for your company, including:

  • Buying and maintaining shredding equipment
  • Paying employees to shred documents
  • Increased waste collection costs

A professional shredding service eliminates these expenses and helps your employees generate revenue for your company.

4. In-House Shredding Increases Privacy Breach Risks

Companies that shred in house often bag and discard their shredded documents in a dumpster where thieves they can steal and reconstruct them. Outsourcing your shredding to a qualified partner eliminates this risk. Your shredding provider’s background-checked, bonded, and insured shredding technicians reduce your documents to tiny particles with industrial-grade shredding equipment. They follow strict a strict chain of custody when collecting, handling, and destroying your information, and provide you with a Certificate of Destruction.

As you can see, outsourced shredding is more secure, efficient, and cost-effective than in-house shredding.

CI Information Management provides full-service records and information management in most of Southeastern and Central Washington state, as well as Northeastern Oregon.

For more information about our shredding and destruction services, please call us at 509-586-6090 or complete the form on this page.

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