In the Spotlight: December is Identity Theft Awareness & Prevention Month
Statistically Speaking Take a look around you. If you’re in the company of two other friends or colleagues, statistically, at least one of you have been a victim of identity theft. Is it you? Are you the one in the spotlight of this small group? You’re in a board meeting with 14 other leaders. Statistically, […]
The Weakest Links in Your Information Destruction Plan
When I began my flying lessons, one crucial point emphasized was that the number one cause of aviation accidents was pilot error. I had assumed mechanical failure or adverse weather conditions would top the list, but human error stood as the primary factor. The truth is, despite our intelligence, human mistakes often cause the problems […]
How a Shredding Service Helps with Green Initiatives
Did you know that the color green: Was George Washington’s favorite color? Evokes a feeling of abundance and is associated with peace and security? Was adopted in the 20th century as the color for St. Patrick’s Day over the original color, blue? Is related to the Old English word “grene,” the term for the color […]
Common Misconceptions about Shredding
One of the best ways to protect the information your business generates is to shred it. However, there are several misconceptions about shredding that need to be addressed. In this article, we clear up these misunderstandings in a Q & A with multiple-choice answers. Go ahead and test yourself! We promise there are no trick […]
Shredding and Earth Day are BFFs
The unique relationship between Earth Day and paper shredding is so perfect it seems obvious once you know about it, but it has gone unacknowledged for far too long. Now is the time to bring it front and center and explain what makes these two the perfect besties. IRL (In Real Life) Every year, the […]
Streamline Tax Season with a File Purge
In a Peanuts cartoon, Charles Schultz’s character, Snoopy, writes the IRS to ask to cancel his subscription and be removed from their mailing list. Wouldn’t that be nice? Unfortunately, you can’t opt out of tax season, but you can streamline the task by conducting a file purge. Purging helps eliminate unnecessary files so you can […]
Why You Should Ditch Your Shredding Machine Now
Have you ever ditched any of these products or services in favor of something better? Dial-up internet access for broadband CDs for MP3s Landline for mobile phone Postal mail for email You may have chosen to ditch—or even felt forced to ditch—a service, device, or way of doing things for something newer, better, more convenient, […]
Signs You Need to Change Shredding Providers
Are you familiar with the Five Man Electrical Band song, Signs? The chorus repeatedly tells the listener, “Signs, signs, everywhere there’s signs.” This could be interpreted as advice or even a warning. Maybe you’ve been using a shredding provider that isn’t living up to your needs but you’re missing the signs that it’s time to […]
Protect Yourself During Identity Theft Awareness & Prevention Month
Everyone will celebrate the holidays in December differently, but we should all be united in recognizing Identity Theft Awareness and Prevention Month as a reminder to protect our personal information and that of our family, friends and coworkers. Protecting your private information continues to get more difficult as each year passes, and with thieves and […]
Use Fraud Awareness Week to Tighten Data Security
November 13-19, 2022 is Fraud Awareness Week, and the simple idea of a week focused on fraud awareness can be motivating because you can be sure you aren’t alone in fighting data fraud. Use Fraud Awareness Week as motivation to take a look at your own level of data security and find ways to tighten […]