Media Shredding: What You Need to Know 

We live in the digital age, where companies store private information on countless levels. As a business, you are responsible for every data-bearing asset your business has ever collected, from hard drives to old floppy disks. To protect your clients and business, professional media shredding companies can provide a secure method of media destruction.  

Why Media Destruction is Vital for Your Business 

#1: Guaranteed Data Destruction 

There are plenty of rumors about how to destroy media, from smashing hard drives to running “hard drive destruction” programs. Unfortunately, data hackers are far more proficient than people anticipate; they can often restore “destroyed” data and use it for nefarious purposes. Media shredding is the only way to know for sure that physically stored data has been completely destroyed.  

#2: Compliance with Data Laws 

Depending on the industry you work in, you may be subject to data protection laws, such as the Privacy Act of 1974, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Media shredding with a NAID AAA Certified destruction provider ensures compliance with these laws.  

#3: Environmental Sustainability  

Did you know that much of the physical media contains harmful chemicals that require specific disposal or precious metals that could be reused? When you use a media destruction company, they ensure that such does not end up in our landfills, wasting resources or poisoning our environment. Instead, they guarantee all shredded products are disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.  

#4: Cost Savings 

Have you ever considered what a data breach would cost your business? IBM reported that the global average cost of a data breach in 2024 is 4.88M, 10% higher than last year – the highest total ever! Whether your business is large or small, data breaches can cost insane amounts of money, from attempting to fix the breach to the fallout of loss in customer trust. Completing your due diligence with a blanket shredding policy for all media ensures you’ve done everything in your power to prevent a physical data breach.  

How Does Media Shredding Work? 

Media destruction through shredding is quite simple. For example, with us at CI Information Management, our media destruction process ensures secure handling, destruction, and documentation of various media types, including hard drives, SSDs, and backup tapes. Here is how we do it: 

Step 1: Initial Handling and Verification:  

First, media items are collected, counted, scanned, and verified with the customer to ensure accuracy. To do this, materials are weighed upon arrival, and weights are confirmed with the Shift Supervisor. Any discrepancies are addressed promptly, and a Transfer of Custody is completed as part of the Material Chain of Custody. 

Step 2: Secure Processing at Facility:  

The media is then transported to our secure facility, where it is staged for serialization and destruction. Each item is scanned to record serial numbers or other identifiers. Afterward, we complete the Serial Processing/Quality Confirmation steps in the Material Chain of Custody. 

Step 3: Destruction Process: 

The destruction process depends on the type of media material. For example, SSD and hard drive destruction are implemented using a “Pierce and Tear” shredder or a disintegrator, respectively. Shredded materials are then sent to a NAID-certified recycler. Disintegrators are also used to destroy other media types, such as optical, magnetic, flash, plastic, and micro media. Lastly, X-rays are processed through disintegrators, shredders, or third-party refining, with customer notification if a third party is involved. 

Customers have the option to witness the destruction process during scheduled times. To do this, the customer must simply request a witnessed destruction when booking the service.  

Step 4: Final Documentation and Communication:  

As the last part of our process, customers receive final documentation, including the Material Chain of Custody, Serial Tracking & Destruction Log, and a Certificate of Destruction. Proof of Destruction certificates are provided along with receipts or work orders, and all records are maintained both physically and digitally. 

We use this comprehensive approach to ensure the secure and responsible destruction of sensitive media, adhering to stringent standards and providing our clients with verifiable proof of the process. 

Media Shredding with CI Information Management 

At CI Information Management, you receive a media destruction solution that meets the shredding industry’s highest ethical and security standards. As a NAID AAA Certified destruction provider, our trained, background-checked, bonded, and insured employees follow a strict chain of custody during the entire destruction process. Each destruction operation is accompanied by a Certificate of Destruction, ensuring compliance with state and federal privacy laws such as HIPAA, FACTA, SOX, and GLB.  

To request a free quote or schedule our service, please contact us today. We look forward to aiding you in your media destruction mission.  

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